by David Shyde
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I'm David Shyde, Art/Creative Director & Designer

Design + Music… a career journey fueled by passion and creativity. Growing up in the rich musical culture of Brasil, music runs through my veins and my guitar every single day. I live my life through lenses of design. I see it and am inspired by it everywhere.

I’ve had the honor of collaborating in creating products with renowned figures like Freanch Montana, Judy Garland®, Hollywood Sign®, MemComputing®, and Ella Fitzgerald to bring a vision to life. Each project is a harmonious blend of melody and form, weaving together my musical intuition with a keen eye for design. From the vibrant pages of Vogue to the towering heights of the Empire State Building, my story is a testament to the richness that comes from embracing and nurturing multiple creative passions.

Some of the partners and work seen at